February 7, 2008

Remarks on scholarly commentaries

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Anonymous said...

I would also include the commentaries by Biguzzi and Prigent.

Georg S. Adamsen said...

Biguzzi's new commentary (2005) is in Italian, and I am not very good at Italian. Perhaps I need a guest reviewer on that one?

I haven't noticed the second edition of Prigent's commentary. Thank you.

The details are:

1) Prigent, Pierre. L’Apocalypse de Saint Jean. Rev. and exp. ed. Commentaire du Nouveau Testament, 14. Genève: Labor et Fides, 2000. 507 pp.

2) Biguzzi, Giancarlo. Apocalisse: nuova versione, introduzione e commento. Vol. 20 of I Libri BibliciMilano: Paoline, 2005. 476 pp.